Social Graph Explorer

About our project

Dive into the captivating world of blockchain transactions with our project, centered around Ethereum and smart contracts. We transform complex data into a visual narrative, representing blockchain records as a dynamic graph. Explore the dependencies of tokenized real assets among network participants, bridging data science, blockchain, and visualization.

Key features

Graph layer - Uncover patterns in blockchain transactions by modeling dependencies among addresses and smart contracts.
Data Visualization - Our Neo4j graph database is not just a repository; it's a vibrant canvas revealing the intricate connections defining the NFT landscape.

Our Team


Beginning of the Project
Our first meeting occured. We started to discuss the main ideas of the project and the technologies we will use.
Initiating Transaction Processing
Successfully processed the first transaction, including setting up Neo4j database and storing transactions within it.
Indexing of ERC-721 Collection
ERC-721 collection successfully indexed.
NFT Tagging Achievement
Accomplished tagging for every new NFT recorded, introducing a shared tag.
Optimized IPFS Metadata Retrieval
Implemented a custom system for fetching metadata from IPFS using multiple gateways simultaneously, enhancing efficiency.
Metadata Fetching Enhancement
Improved metadata fetching for the collection using RPC calls and IPFS.
RPC Data Fetching Optimization
Integrated Multicall smart contract for optimal fetching of blockchain data, resulting in reduced RPC calls.
Indexer Optimization for ERC-1155 Tokens
Upgraded the indexer to support ERC-1155 tokens.
Optimization for ERC-20 Tokens
Upgraded the indexer to support ERC-20 tokens.
Description, Attributes and Name Tokenization
Extended functionality by tokenizing NFT names, descriptions, and attributes.
Automation of Data Processing
Implemented automated processes for data processing.
Tag-Based Filtering Feature
Introduced a new feature enabling users to filter content based on tags.


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